Surrey Composite Decking Designs

There is a massive variety of different types of decking and, at Country Lumber, we provide many of these types of decking materials. The different decking types have various benefits and are well suited to different climates. In the Surrey area, one of the best types of decking materials to work with is composite decking due to its durability, longevity, variety, attractiveness, and its ability to stand up to changing weather patterns. For this reason, it can be useful to be aware of some different ideas for Surrey composite decking designs.

Composite Decking Design Ideas for Surrey Homes

With the high amounts of both moisture and sunshine that are common in Surrey, it is important to get a type of decking that is long lasting, resistant to rot, and low maintenance. Composite decking is the ideal candidate to meet these needs and, with the massive variety of colours and aesthetics that are available, it is possible to create many different deck designs. Some design ideas for composite decking include:

Multiple Colours

With composite decking materials, it is possible to create a deck that uses multiple colours to stand out from other monochromatic decks in your Surrey neighbourhood. By using a regular brown wood look for the majority of the deck and using grey or a darker or lighter brown for the trim and stairs, you can create a unique, interesting look for your backyard.

Bent Boards

Give your deck a rounded edge by using bent composite decking boards. Composite boards are much easier to bend than wood and can be bent much more quickly, as they only require the proper application of heat. If you have your heart set on a round deck for your Surrey home, it is worth going with composite decking.

Masonry or Faux Masonry Trim

While it can be expensive to use masonry for the entirety of a deck, it is possible to build a deck out of composite materials and then use masonry for the trim and side panelling. There are also many types of faux masonry that look great and can be used for the same purpose.

If you would like to learn more about Surrey composite decking designs and where to find the supplies needed to get started with a decking project, or if you would like to find out about any of the other services and supplies available from Country Lumber, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.