How to Install Crown Moulding

Crown moulding is one of the best projects that you can do to make a big change to upgrade the look and feel of your home’s interior without making any structural or layout changes to the space. At Country Lumber, we know that, once you know how to install crown moulding, this job can be done by a confident home handyperson, and we provide all of the tools and supplies needed to finish any crown moulding installation.

How to Install Crown Moulding

Crown moulding installations can be frustrating and tiresome, as they require the installer to hold materials above their head for long periods of time and make mitred cuts that can be difficult to get exactly right. Despite these frustrations, crown moulding installation is a task that can be completed by many novices with the right tools and instruction. To install crown moulding in your home, adhere to the following procedure:

1.     Prepare Supplies and the Space

Start by measuring the room to ensure that you buy enough crown moulding to get the job done. Plan out the different walls and make sure that you get long enough pieces so that you have as few seams as possible. You will also need:

·       Construction adhesive

·       Wood filler or spackle

·       A pneumatic or electric brad nailer

·       A mitre saw

You can also prepare by marking the walls with masking tape so that you know where studs and joists are. This will make it easier to install the crown moulding. Use a chalk line to mark a straight line along the walls and ceiling where the edge of the moulding will lie.

2.     Start with the Longest Wall

Begin by cutting and installing the longest piece of moulding. Cut the ends at a right angle, as the first wall does not require the ends to be coped to fit. Drop a bead of construction adhesive along the edges of the crown moulding and lift it into place. Have a helper assist you in holding the board in position while you nail it into every stud and joist, starting at one end.

3.     Work Around the Room in a Circle

Moving to the right, cut and install each piece of crown moulding on each wall. One end of each board will need to be coped and mitred to fit over the previous piece of crown moulding. Coping and mitring can be done most easily by creating a custom fence for your mitre saw that holds the crown moulding at the angle at which it is going to be installed on the wall.

If you are going to use a mitre cut to fit each piece of moulding, it may take some trial and error to get the cuts right, as most corners in homes are not perfect right angles. Coping allows you to avoid this, but it can be a bit complicated if you have not done it before. Make sure that you look up a tutorial on coping and practice with some scraps.

4.     Fill in Holes and Clean Up

Use the wood filler or spackle to fill in nail holes along the pieces of crown moulding. You can also use these materials to fill in seams or touch them up after crushing the seams together. Touch up everything with paint or wood stain. Once all of this is finished, you are ready to clean up and enjoy the new look.

If you are interested in finding out more information about how to install crown moulding, or if you would like to find out about any of the other services and supplies available from Country Lumber, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.